
Parent Coaching


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Private Coaching Montessori Parenting Method Conscious Coaching Meg O'Keeffe

Parent Coaching

$150 session

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Image about your reflection and growth after private parent coaching

Here are some signs:

  • Comparing yourself to other parents.
  • Yelling at your kids and not feeling great about it.
  • Wondering why parenting is so challenging for you.
  • Doing everything for your kids and neglecting yourself.
  • Trying to juggle it all.
  • Experiencing recurring issues, and nothing seems to work.
  • Wishing your relationship with your child was different.
Private Coaching Montessori Parenting Method Conscious Coaching Meg O'Keeffe

Being a parent is just as much about you as it is your child.

In talking with thousands of parents over the years, I discovered that we all feel like bad parents from time to time. And honestly, it’s easy to get stuck in that headspace because there are always areas of improvement as a parent. Until you realize that parenting isn’t just about raising decent human beings, you may be missing the magic. Our children are born to give us our own inner transformational journey.

Such a beautiful gift, right?

You have way more influence on your child’s behavior than you may think.

It has nothing to do with control and everything to do with the way you see your child and your role as a parent. One of THE most empowering ah-ha moments my clients have is this: When you shift, they shift.

Are you ready to shift?

Conscious, Heart-Centered Parenting transforms your relationship with your child to one of mutual respect, admiration, and trust.

It gives you a methodology for navigating challenging situations in ways that meet your needs and your child’s needs.

It teaches you how to be curious about your child and understand that parenting is a mirror for you to learn, become more aware, and transform.

It allows you to guide your child in becoming an independent, confident, and empowered human.

Private Coaching Montessori Parenting Method Conscious Parent Trainer Meg O'Keeffe

Conscious, Heart-Centered Parenting transforms your relationship with your child to one of mutual respect, admiration, and trust.

It gives you a methodology for navigating challenging situations in ways that meet your needs and your child’s needs.

It teaches you how to be curious about your child and understand that parenting is a mirror for you to learn, become more aware, and transform.

It allows you to guide your child in becoming an independent, confident, and empowered human.

My private coaching program is for parents who are ready to:

  • Learn to apply Montessori Parenting principles
  • See themselves as a partner in their child’s life, instead of imposing our authority over them.
  • Embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-reflection.
  • Get themselves out of the way of their child’s natural brilliance to shine.
  • Encourage their child’s authentic self by embodying their own authenticity.
  • Change the way they view discipline and practice a new approach.
  • Take ownership for the relationship they have with themselves and their child.

"Meg is the most helpful person I have come across! I have tried counseling and never got anywhere.  I don't have much time for our sessions, but I'm making time because I'm already seeing the results. They are life changing!"


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Portland Parenting Coach Montessori Based Teacher Private Parent Coach

Here are some of the results you can expect:

  • Solve everyday problems with effective solutions and tips.
  • Meet your needs and your child’s needs at the same time.
  • Relate to your child with more patience, presence, and compassion.
  • Shift patterns and beliefs that may be getting in the way of authentically connecting with your child.
  • Smooth out areas of your parenting where you feel like you’re not as successful.
  • Bring more awareness to how you can support your child in becoming an independent, confident, and empowered human.
Children bloom after parent coaching
The Conscious Parent Private Coaching Program with Meg O'Keeffe
The Conscious Parent Private Coaching Program with Meg O'Keeffe
Meg O'Keeffe Conscious Parent Coach Shefali Montessori Method at Home
We will laugh, we may cry, and we will definitely go deep. Importantly, I try to make you feel seen, understood, and supported in creating positive change among your family.

1:1 Coaching Calls

We meet once/week for 1:1 coaching calls. We dive deep into  your individual situation. You get personalized insights and support that directly guide you to develop more confidence in creating a relationship with your child built on respect, admiration and trust.


10-12 sessions recommended for deep-rooted results

Private Coaching

Weekly Lessons

Included in each session, Meg presents weekly lessons that help teach a new way to view parenting which shifts the core of the issues. Lessons work alongside your 1:1 coaching calls.

She shares self-reflection exercises, and meditations. These lessons are filled with ah-ha moments and give you the skills you need to create meaningful shifts.

Private Coaching

Special Perks 

Clients get:

  • Discounted rate on future coaching calls when referring friends who sign up.
  • Specialty Topic Group Sessions
  • 20% off online courses and events.

Private Coaching


Schedule a complementary call to get to know Meg.

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"As a parent of three boys, I thought I was too busy to use the tools and strategies that Meg gave me. Once I did, I saw changes in our family that continue to amaze me. Meg, your approach is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!"


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Heart Centered Parenting Logo Meg O'Keeffe

Unlock a more authentic relationship with your child, and become the parent you've always wanted to be.

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