What People Are Saying About Parent Coaching 

Conscious Parenting Program Dr. Shefali Reviews from Clients of Heart Centered Parenting

What People Are Saying About Parent Coaching 


The impact you're having in our household is big.

I just wanted to share that over the last months that we have been working together my husband's relationship with our daughter has completely transformed. She is WANTING to be spending more time with dad, he has so much more patience and is really putting intention around validating her feelings and help her work through the big feelings. Despite what I would say, or where I would send him before it wasn't making an impact, but the work we are all doing together IS working for all of us. And of course I am holding boundaries more and it is helping her so much with the consistency. I just wanted you to know that the impact you're having in our household is big.

— D
daughter age 3.5


Learning how to be a parent is a skill to be learned.

The first session of the course had me in tears! Just a perfect reminder of how my daughter is my teacher. With that mentality in mind, when we had an issue of wiping after bathroom time I sat with her and let her teach me why she didn't want to wipe. It was something as simple as she didn't think she was doing it good enough or even correctly and that was hindering her ability to continue! So simple! Yet if I hadn't viewed it as what is she trying to teach me I would have never known and that battle would continue for lord knows how long.

I so look forward to seeing how this relationship progresses and I am looking forward to learning more from and working with Meg. Learning how to be a parent is a skill to be learned and I can't wait to dive in! 

daughter 4


Meg opened my eyes for me to see the type of parent my children needed.

Working with Meg has allowed me to grow both personally and as a parent in ways I didn't even know was possible.  She has a unique gift of being able to get to the root cause of both my behavior as well as my child’s behavior in such a way that I was encouraged to take appropriate steps in creating lasting powerful change within our home.  Meg provided a safe environment for me to express my concerns and always, lovingly and without judgement guided me on how I could be the best me and the best parent to my children.  In fact Meg opened my eyes for me to see the type of parent my children needed.  Forever grateful to Meg for providing tangible tools that significantly improved my relationship with myself and my children.  I now feel empowered!

son age 12, daughter age 11


She provides loving doses of support as I navigate this journey of parenthood.

I am so grateful to have Meg in my parenting corner. She is so calm and accepting, even in my moments of complete freak out! She provides loving doses of support as I navigate this journey of parenthood. Somehow I always feel better about myself and my relationship with my child after she and I talk. It isn't necessarily "advice" she provides, but an energy of awareness, of stillness-  she is a child whisperer and a mommy whisperer at the same time. I noticed that when I was talking to my mom friends who were dealing with the same issues, like power struggles or setting limits, I’d say, "Meg says..." at the beginning of many of my sentences! I've learned a lot about myself and how I show up as a mom. Meg has helped me make changes that have made parenting much more enjoyable.

daughters ages 12 and 14


This new way of parenting allowed me to understand that my daughter has the knowledge within herself to learn and grow to her own potential.

I had the privilege of meeting Meg when my second child joined her Montessori school. I had a very traditional American upbringing with stereotypical authoritarian parents. As I repeated that pattern that felt, at the time, like I was helping to create discipline in my children while still supporting, loving and providing opportunities for them. Meg showed me another way.

This new way of parenting allowed me to understand that my daughter had the knowledge within herself to learn and grow to her own potential and that she is on her own journey. It was an “a-ha” moment for me. Meg always supports me with any insight or suggestion with love. She accepts me for where I am as a parent, and discusses how these changes would help my children and myself. It was a two for one!

So much of parenting in my view, is being willing to learn to allow our children to find  their own gifts in life and live a fulfilling life for themselves, not for us. For them to learn, we must continue to seek and learn as well.

From a very grateful parent…

daughters ages 13 and 17


The wisdom Meg brings to her coaching has been really instrumental. 

— Dad of
daughter ages 3.5


It has really strengthened our relationships with our children.

We started working with Meg because our kids were developing new challenging behaviours like biting and hair pulling. Meg helped us look at the environment and circumstances that led to these incidents and restructure our approach to make sure each kid was feeling seen, heard and understood. As a result, we started to see conflicts as opportunities to connect and accept their big feelings, and it has really strengthened our relationships with our children. 

 — mom of two toddlers


I feel validated and really understood in our discussions.

Meg creates the space for me to feel so connected to myself!  I feel validated and really understood in our discussions.  Meg breaks things into simple and tangible bites, and I feel energized and capable of making the change I want to make in my life. I feel valued and seen by her. There is no judgment, and I always feel inspired to keep growing and learning.  Thank you, Meg, for being such a bright and beautiful light!

sons ages 7 and 9


I don’t have much time for our sessions, but I’m making the time because I’m already seeing the results.

I’m so excited to have found Meg, she is the most helpful person I have come across! I have tried counseling and never got anywhere.  I don't have much time for our sessions, but I'm making time because I'm already seeing the results. They are life changing! I look forward to it each week.

son age 3


As a parent of three boys, I thought I was too busy to use the tools and strategies…

I learned while working with Meg that I needed to look inward, become more aware and to grow to become a healthier and more loving parent. As a parent of three boys, I thought I was too busy to use the tools and strategies that Meg gave me. Once I did, I saw changes in our family that continue to amaze me. Meg, your approach is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

sons ages 4, 8 and 9


This work is life changing.

Parenting can be overwhelming and it isn’t always easy to know where to begin when you need help, but Meg meets you exactly where you’re at and graciously shares lifelong, effective conscious parenting skills. This work is life changing. Our family is flourishing and becoming infinitely richer as we build deeper connections and stronger relationships. I have infinite respect and gratitude for Meg’s phenomenal coaching. I feel empowered and my heart is full.

sons ages 10 and 12


...a path toward family peace.

Parenting isn’t easy. If only we all had a coach to help us through the sticky parts that always arise between the beautiful ones...

I have 2 daughters and was lucky enough to be working beside Meg throughout their young lives. Meg was always able to put things into perspective and to come at the issues from an outsider's point of view and from the experience of having raised 2 independent, confident, resilient daughters of her own.

She taught me to trust my kids and to reflect upon ourselves as parents to make sure our fears, concerns and advice for our children were coming from an honest, authentic place.

Meg is always supportive using her knowledge and expertise. She gently supports people to look at themselves to see where each and every moving part plays a role in any conflict or challenge.  Meg creates space to see the challenge from every angle. I have found it to be a path toward family peace through all stages of this privilege we have to be parents.

daughters ages 19 and 17


It was like Meg knew exactly how to pull the thread to unravel what was needed to be seen and healed.

When going through some emotional turbulence, I reached out to Meg for help. I knew she’d listen and understand. I knew she’d ask questions that take me deeper into self inquiry. And that is exactly what happened.

It was like Meg knew exactly how to pull the thread to unravel what was needed to be seen and healed. She illuminated the blind spots and that’s what it took…to get me back into connection with myself and my daughter. Back to peace and bliss. Meg is awesome!

daughter age 7, son age 9


I have utilized sessions with her over and over through the years.

Having Meg in my back pocket is a gift. I have utilized sessions with her over and over through the years with both of my children. Each and every time, gaining more and more understanding of myself.

daughter 15, son 19


...helped us develop more empathy toward each other as parents.

Meg was amazing. The sessions became such an integral part of our lives. Meg made us realize how our upbringing and past experiences influence our parenting, and helped us develop more empathy toward each other as parents who are also individuals from different backgrounds. I was looking forward to these sessions so much and appreciated every minute of them.

sons 5 and 2


Parent Coaching
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Heart Centered Parenting Logo Portland Oregon Meg O'Keeffe

Unlock a more authentic relationship with your child, and become the parent you've always wanted to be.

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