Abundance or Lack? (Part 2 of 2)

Let’s take a look at where lack is affecting our life and where we can bring abundance.

Be honest with yourself when answering these questions:

  1. Do you get easily offended?
  2. Do you have a need to win?
  3. A need to be right?
  4. Feel superior?
  5. Do you have a need to have more?
  6. Do you identify yourself on the basis of your achievements?
  7. Do you worry about your reputation?
  8. Are you able to be kind toward yourself?
  9. Are you able to show kindness towards others?

Are you able to tell which questions let us know where lack is affecting our life and which where we are bringing abundance?

"Wanting" is lack, is the sensation of lacking. We want a new job, we want a nice house, we want a new car…we want, want, want. Wanting is an energy, an energy of not having.

Lack and desire is the opposite of having. It's holding us back from having everything we want in life.

What value at all have we ever received from this “sensation of lacking or wanting?”

Everyone wants something; it arises from the pain of not having. 

To want something means we feel we don’t have it. We feel empty, lonely, lacking or deprived, and we believe if we possessed that object, or had that experience, we’d feel filled up and we would be happy. So behind all desire and seeking is:  

  1.   a motivation to be happy                                                              
  2. a belief that happiness lies in desire’s fulfillment

On the contrary, desire is the problem. Being in a state of desire is suffering, wanting, lacking, hurting, and looking to a future time when we will have what we want and be happy. Want is the opposite of having.

It is perfectly okay to have anything. The “having” is not the problem. The problem is “wanting,” which causes pain and inhibits receiving. Make a list of wants and notice if there is pain there for not having it. Are the items on the list everything you don’t have? 

The solution to the problem of wants and desires is threefold: 

  1. We let go of the want in order to end the pain of desire, which allows… 
  2. The receiving of what formerly was a want and allows us to hold in mind HAVING, which allows it to come to us. Lastly, 
  3. Feeling already complete, we may decide to let go of attaining that which was so important just moments before because we already feel happy right now. 

“Want” is the most negative word in the English language. 

Here is the dictionary's definition of want.


  1. If you’re not “having,” it is only because you are still into wanting.
  2.  want - a state of extreme poverty, deprivation, privation, impoverishment, poorness, poverty - the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions
  3. want - the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable; “there is a serious lack of insight into the problem”, deficiency, lack, 
  4. need - a condition requiring relief; dearth, famine, shortage - an acute insufficiency
  5. stringency, tightness - a state occasioned by scarcity of money and a shortage of credit
  6. want - anything that is necessary, lacking need
  7. want - a specific feeling of desire
  8. desire - the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state


  1. want - feel or have a desire for; want strongly; “I want to go home now”; “I want my own room”
  2. desire, crave, lust, hunger, thirst, starve - have a craving, appetite, or great desire for miss - feel or suffer from the lack of; “He misses his mother”